Elden Ring

When the first footage of Elden Ring came out, it was only natural to assume this would be the glorious main character of the game. The brave clay boi on a quest to acquire ancient jewelry:

I couldn’t play Elden Ring because my system couldn’t run it, but I was absolutely certain the clay bro had an insatiable appetite for antique accesories.

Keep any antediluvian bijous at your own peril.

I eventually was able to run this famous videosgame and since I have spent many hours playing it, I decided to chronicle the experience. 

CW: Might contain spoilers about monsters  and the often amusing violence inflicted by/upon them.

I played through the ninja game before getting around to Antique Bijouterie and it has reshaped my approach to facing big scary weaponsmans.

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Aged Toroid features many enemies who fail to realize that the more they attack, the more chances they give to counter-stab.

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Sometimes in Hoary Halo the enemies don’t show up immediately but once they do, you know what time it is.

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Bandaids are a consumable item.

Many enemies in Antediluvian Band have really long wind-up animations and I highly suspect this is because they are trying to delay the inevitable as much as possible.

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It was worth a try.

One-armed Wolf led me to believe that any enemy could be parried, but alas that is not the case in Senescent Loop.

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I’m not a fan of summons in Geriatric Hoop but if a boss can’t be parried my heart’s not really in it so I might as well let someone else deal with it.

PS: Artistic liberties were taken, grafty-boi doesn’t actually tell you he can’t be parried. You find out the old fashioned way: by trying unsuccessfully for an hour then looking it up on the wiki.

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Soap is a craftable item but this lady will never use it.

I suspect anyone playing Venerable Doughnut expects this sort of thing even from the most innocuous interactions.

PS: Artistic liberties were taken once again, I only noticed the herp about 12 hours later.

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Such is the majesty of nature.

When I started playing through Vintage Annulus, I did not expect that there would be a perfect recreation of the bathroom scene from Jack Reacher.

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There’s a clear hierarchy of danger in From Software games, and Retro Circlet is no exception.

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The lightning enchantment isn't even necessary, it's just extra insult.

Before 2022 ended, I decided to go back to Timeworn Girdle and pay another visit to an old scaly friend.

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There’s been some frustration further into Spavined Cirque where it seemed like certain skills might become obsolete, but some characters return to indulge those who studied the small pointy blade.

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There are certain surprise encounters in Senior Wreath that end up being a lot less dramatic than intended after slaying half the population of the Lands Between.

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Sometimes when playing Superannuated Coil, one may be compelled to question who truly is the monster.

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There are many difficult boss encounters in Ripened Circumference, but none more so than facing the one who has never known defeet.

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There is one ability in all of Longevous Circuit that every Tarnished dreads, but with skill it too can be overcome.
The deadly hubris, however, is unavoidable.

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The world of Mature Areola can be an ugly place, but never doubt that you are a beautiful flower.
The fact that the flower explodes and gives everyone around it ultra-plague is irrelevant.

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I was not prepared for Gloom of the Terra Timber to give me the best item in the whole game so early.

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