The Future (of Chapter 4)
With the conclusion of Chapter 3, I find myself in a bit of a comics pickle. I always intended to have only a couple of weeks between chapters, but that only works if I have pages ready to go. Alas, due to a variety of Unfortunate Events® this year, I am still in the process of thumbnailing Chapter 4 and it’s still hard to say exactly when that will be ready for your astoundingly spherical eyeballs (so round, so smooth, kind of unsettling actually).
It’s going to be a couple of months at best, which is less than ideal, but I have a plan. It requires some back-end website fiddling that might end up blowing everything to cyber smithereens (this websut is precariously held together by techno-spit and digi-ducktape), but the result should be Other Comics for you to read while I attempt to power through Chapter 4. Skeletons might be involved.
I will make loud interwebs noises once a plan has been set in motion, so be sure to keep an eye on the ever-changing social medias/news gremlins. You should be watching them already anyway, it is extremely unwise to take your eyes off news gremlins.
Host Migration
I have migrated hosts to hopefully resolve the constant database errors that plagued the site, but alas this websit was built on the ancient and bleached bones of Olde Interwebbs, and so the process has involved performing dark and forbidden web rituals that I may have donked up. Chapter 3 will begin once I’ve ensured that things are no longer exploding and/or spewing eldritch cyber horrors on unsupecting visitors (please note, some cyber horrors are a feature).