Beach WZRD updates begin!

There will be new pages on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays because that is the olden Comics on the Interwebs way, and I am a stickler for arbitrarily chosen tradition. It’s possible you have questions about Life, the Universe, and more specifically This Comic, so I have prepared answers here (about this comic. Life and the universe remain a mystery).

If you hate the excruciating march of time, there will be a PDF/CBR of the full first chapter in the shop Soon®. You can sign up to ze Mailing List on this page so you’ll know exactly when that happens, or you can refresh this page frantically every day and probably break the database, you monster. You can also head over to my Patreon to read up to Chapter 2 and watch as I bumble my way through Chapter 3.

Anyway you should check back here every once in a while and also not refresh frantically please, this website is brand new and already it suffers.

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Barter with abstract concepts of value!
Show off your wealth by throwing it at me!
Support mcnostril on Patreon!

Mailing List

Show off your wealth by throwing it at me!
Barter with abstract concepts of value!