Do you hate waiting? Maybe just dislike it? Anything slightly more negative than complete ambivalence towards it? Then I have good/ok/slightly-better-than-neutral news for you! The entire first chapter of Beach WZRD is available now in the shop as a PDF (or CBZ) archive. No need to suffer through the slow crawl of updates, now you can read the whole chapter and suffer a different wait until Chapter 2 is made available.
You can read ahead on Patreon as well (I’m scribbling my way through Chapter 3 at the moment), though the PDF package is the most Final_Final_Final.psd version of the comic. Anyway you should tell everyone you know about this, especially anyone with rich uncles. Think about it, for a measly $4 you get to read a comic and also skip the waiting for updates; you’re basically challenging the very concept of Time itself and winning, so I think this is a pretty sweet deal. Time needs to get put in its place every once in a while.